Reply To: How to Do I Prepare and Appear for UPSC Civil Services


Here’s a simple way to prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Exam:

1. Know the Exam Structure:
UPSC has three stages:

Prelims: Objective-type questions (General Studies & CSAT).
Mains: Descriptive papers on various subjects.
Interview: A personality test to assess your thinking and communication skills.

2. Understand the Syllabus:
Go through the syllabus carefully so you know exactly what to study and what to skip.

3. Start with the Basics:
Begin with NCERT books (Class 6–12) to build strong fundamentals. Then, move on to standard books like Laxmikanth for Polity, Spectrum for History, etc.

4. Stay Updated with Current Affairs:
Read newspapers like The Hindu or Indian Express daily. You can also follow monthly current affairs magazines to save time.

5. Learn from YouTube Channels:
Follow educational YouTube channels like ArthaPoint Plus for free lectures, strategy tips, and expert guidance. It’s a great way to learn on the go.