During IAS Preparation, it is very important to read important books for the respective subjects of the UPSC IAS Exam syllabus. Currently, I’m taking coaching from Dhyeya IAS and is going very well but with that, books also play an important role. Here are a few suggested books relevant for the IAS Preparation.
For Indian polity, go for Indian Polity by Laxmikanth, An Introduction to the Constitution of India by D. D. Basu, The Constitution of India by P. M. Bakshi, Old NCERT books for Indian Polity.
For Indian history, go for ‘Ancient India’ by RS Sharma, History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra, ‘A Brief History of Modern India’ by Spectrum.
For Indian economy, go for Class 11 and Class 12 NCERTs, Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri, Current Economic Survey.
For Geography, go for Old NCERT books, Physical Geography by Goh Cheng Leong, For Maps Oxford School Atlas.
For Newspaper read The Hindu, Economic Times, The Indian Express and you could also get it easily from the Dhyeya IAS youtube channel.
For Mathematics, RS Aggarwal of S Chand publication is enough for the preparation.
For Science and Technology, go for Newspaper (The Hindu, Economic Times, The Indian Express) and ISRO Website, other Online Resources.
For Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, MK Pandey’s Analytical Reasoning is one of the best.
For Environment and Ecology, go for NIOS Study Material for Environmental Studies and Newspaper, Online Study Material.