December 2, 2019 at 9:59 pm
Pankaj Sharma
Indian History
1. History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra
2. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
3. India’s Ancient Past by R.S Sharma
4. A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir
5. A History of Medieval India by Chandra Satish
6. Concise History of Modern India for Civil Services Examination by Sujata Menon
7. A New Look at Modern Indian History :Form 1707 To The Modern Times by B.L.Grover,Alka Mehta
Books for Mains
1. IAS Mains General Studies Paper 1 INDIAN HERITAGE & Culture History & Geography of the world & society by Arihant Experts (Reference Manual GS-1)
2. History of Modern World by Jain, Mathur (History GS-1)