Reply To: how to Starting study for IAS pre exam

Prabha Bhat

Civil Services aspirants, when they start their IAS preparation are generally confused. They are not very sure about how to start the preparation and what to study. They have several questions in their mind regarding eligibility for the exam, exam dates etc. Many are confused whether they should join a coaching institute or not.

No matter whether you are a beginner in the area of UPSC Civil Services exam preparation or are preparing since months, it is very important to first have the idea about what the exam demands for achieving success.
• Know the competition in UPSC Civil Services Exam
• More than 10 lakh students register in a year
• Around 4.5 lakhs write the Prelims in a year
• Around 15000 students clear the Prelims
• About 3000 clear the Mains
• Around 1000 aspirants in a year clear the interview

In order to start Civil Services Exam preparation, it is not mandatory that you have to attend a coaching centre. However, good coaching-either offline or online can be of great help for getting right guidance.

There are many coaching institutes like iLearn IAS Academy offering Civil Services coaching and Prelims Test series to help the aspirants to crack the exam easily. One can also self-study at their own comfort using UPSC preparation android apps. The best thing about studying with the app is there will be no space/time constraints. And moreover, this approach of self-study is mostly suitable for working professionals.

I am a software engineer by profession and have a dream of clearing the Civil Services Exam. The biggest problem I face during my preparation is Time management. I tried several ways to manage time, but none of them helped me. While discussing my problem with my friend, I came to know about an android app, called iLearn IAS app. When I heard about it first, I thought it would be like thousands of other apps available in the market. Although, I wanted to give it a try. I was amazed after giving the free self-assessment test. The detailed performance analysis provided by the app was awesome. The feature that makes this app different from other apps is through this app, you can not only find in which subject you are weak, but you can know in which topic and sub-topic you need to study more.

This feature helped me a lot. As I kept on studying the entire subject again and again without knowing in which area I need to focus more, I was not able to manage my time properly. The Intelligent knowledge Appraiser, a self-learning algorithm in the app let me know which topic in each subject I need to concentrate more so that I can crack the UPSC exam easily. I studied those topics and took a retest in the app. I was happy to see that my overall score improved a lot.