Reply To: How to start IAS Preparation??


Hii there “” first you just need to get familiar with whole process “” like prelims ” mains and interview “” then just go through syllabus both prelim and mains “”” now start your preparation with NCERT’S of all Humanities subjects “” like History ” Geography ” polity ” Economics ” science (6 – 10 ) ” and Environment “” from 6 – 12 for all subjects except science ” Ncert’s have written in a very lucid language which is very easy to understand “” it will give you a basic knowledge of everything and it will build a strong foundation “”” Hi Kaveri, I like you name dear 🙂

I am listing all the NCERTs to help you….

For Geography:

VI Land and People Part I (old)

VII Land and People Part II (old)

VIII Resource and Developement (New)

IX Contemporary India Part I (New)

X Contemporary India Part II (New)

XI Fundamental of Physical Geog. (New)

XI Indian Physical Environment (New)

XII India People and Economy (New)

Standard Book: GC Leong

Oxford ATLAS (New)

For Polity:

IX Democratic Politics Part I (New)

X Democratic Politics Part II (New)

XI Indian Constitution at work (New)

XII Politics in India Since Independence (New)

XII Contemporary World Politics (New)

Standard Book: M. Laxmikant

For Indian Economy:

IX Economics (New)

X Understanding Economic Development (New)

XI Indian Economic Development (New)

XII Introductory Microeconomics (New)

XII Introductory Macroeconomics (New)

Standard Book: Ramesh Singh

For History :

IX Story of Civilization Part I (Old)

X Story of Civilization Part II (Old)

XI Ancient India (Old)

XI Modern India (Old)

XII Medieval India (Old)

XII- Themes in History Part I (New)

Themes in History Part II (New)

Themes in History Part III (New)

Standard Book: A Brief History of Modern India By Spectrum

India’s Struggle for Independence

The wonder that was India ( For Culture)

For Science:

VI to X New NCERTs

If something missed from this list then let me know.

And watch roman saini lecture on youtube “” How to demolish CSE in one year and 10 Must book for civil service “”” Read the hindu newspaper daily “” Read editorial and it will give you basuc idea and knowledge of everything “”” and Do follow Insights on india Daily current affairs “””””